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澳门太阳集团0638- 首页|欢迎您

3rd International Symposium on In-situ Modification of Deposit Properties for Improving Mining (IMDPIM2022)

发布时间:2022-08-05 来源:原位改性采矿澳门太阳集团0638- 首页|欢迎您部重点实验室 作者:原位改性采矿澳门太阳集团0638- 首页|欢迎您部重点实验室

第三届原位改性采矿国际研讨会(IMDPIM 2022)

—— 4号通知——

3rdInternational Symposium on In-situ Modification of Deposit Properties for Improving Mining (IMDPIM2022)

—— No.4 Announcement——

2022年8月12日-14日 山西太原

Aug. 12th-14th2022, Taiyuan, Shanxi, China

主办单位:澳门太阳集团0638- 首页|欢迎您

承办单位:原位改性采矿澳门太阳集团0638- 首页|欢迎您部重点实验室




Sponsor:Taiyuan University of Technology


Key Laboratory of In-situ Property-improving Mining of Ministry of Education

Key Laboratory of Safe and Efficient Mining of Mineral Resources of Shanxi Province

The In-situ Steam Injection Branch of State Center for Research and Development of Oil Shale Exploitation

Shanxi Society of Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering


原位改性采矿针对地下煤炭、盐矿、油页岩、有色金属矿及放射性矿物等资源与能源,通过注热、气、液及实施水力压裂、割缝等技术,使资源与能源原位赋存特性发生力学、物理、化学变化,从而实现安全、高效、绿色开采目标。原位改性采矿国际研讨会(International Symposium on In-situ Modification of Deposit Properties for Improving Mining,简称IMDPIM)围绕“原位改性采矿理论与技术现状及发展”,探索原位改性采矿理论和技术在资源与能源开采方面的应用,会议旨在汇聚引领地球资源与能源开采相关领域的国内外研究人员,进行交流和分享在地球资源与能源开采理论与技术研究中的新见解和新成果。2018年和2020年,第一届和第二届原位改性采矿国际研讨会在山西太原成功举办。

第三届原位改性采矿国际研讨会(IMDPIM 2022)拟定于2022年8月12-14日在山西太原召开。本次大会主题为“可持续原位改性采矿理论及其应用”,大会拟邀请国内外原位改性采矿领域知名专家作特邀报告,设相关的专题报告,并就热点议题展开讨论。本次会议由澳门太阳集团0638- 首页|欢迎您主办,原位改性采矿澳门太阳集团0638- 首页|欢迎您部重点实验室、矿产资源安全高效开采山西省重点实验室、国家油页岩原位注热开采分中心和山西省岩石力学与工程学会协同承办。

Symposium overview

IMDPIM is aimed at accomplishing the targets of safe, efficient, and green mining of underground mineral resources such as coal, salt mine, oil shale, nonferrous metal ore, and radioactive mineral resources, and other resources and energy via modifying physical and/or chemical properties of these deposits by in-situ technology of injecting heat, gas, fluid into deposits, by fracking and slotting. The symposium theme is "Present and Development of Theory and Technology of In-situ Modification of Deposit Properties for Improving Mining", and explores the application of in-situ modified mining theory and technology in geo-energy exploitation. The symposium will bring domestic and foreign researchers together who lead the frontier of geo-energy and geo-resource development to exchange and share new insights and results in the in-situ extraction of geo-energy and geo-resource. The first and second International Symposium on In-situ Modification of Deposit Properties for Improving Mining were held in 2018 and 2020 in Taiyuan, Shanxi, China, respectively.

The 3rd International Symposium on In-situ Modification of Deposit Properties for Improving Mining (IMDPIM 2022) is scheduled to be held in Taiyuan, Shanxi Province in August 2022. The conference theme is “Theory and application of sustainable in-situ modified mining”, The symposium will invite international famous experts in the fields of IMDPIM as keynote speakers. The symposium will also launch different sessions to discuss related hot topics.

The symposium will be organized by Taiyuan University of Technology and co-organized by Key Laboratory of In-situ Property-improving Mining of Ministry of Education, Key Laboratory of Safe and Efficient Mining of Mineral Resources of Shanxi Province, The In-situ Steam Injection Branch of State Center for Research and Development of Oil Shale Exploitation, Resource and Environment Committee of National Science and Technology Innovation Leading Personnel Alliance and Shanxi Society of Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering.

We sincerely invite you to share your research achievements with your colleagues and promote innovations of research.

We look forward to hosting you in Taiyuan.


李治刚 15234188639

陈跃都 15536888799

武守亚 15525052312

阎纪伟 13051873611


通讯地址:山西省太原市新矿院路18号澳门太阳集团0638- 首页|欢迎您原位改性采矿澳门太阳集团0638- 首页|欢迎您部重点实验室


Contact information

Zhigang Li 15234188639

Yuedu Chen15536888799

Shouya Wu15525052312

Jiwei Yan 13051873611


Mailing address:

No.18 Xinkuangyuan Road, Key Laboratory of In-situ Property-improving Mining of Ministry of Education, Taiyuan University of Technology, Taiyuan, Shanxi, 030024, China


【If you are interested in attending the conference, please check the IMDPIM 2022 Program Overview Attached】


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